The Höbel Lab
Anuran Behavioral Ecology

Publications by Gerlinde Höbel

Publications in Refereed Journals


Augusto-Alves, G., O.S. Feagles, L.F. Toledo & G. Höbel. 2024. Visual cues do not function in a multimodal signalling context for mate attraction in eastern gray treefrogs. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2024 XX: 1-12.

Augusto-Alves, G., G Höbel & L.F. Toledo. 2024. Geographic variation in acoustic and visual cues and their potential to signal body condition in the Brazilian treefrog, Boana albomarginata. resubmitted to Behav. Ecol Sociobiol, 78: 48.

Feagles, O & G Höbel. 2024. Personality affects female mate choice: frogs displaying more consistently bold behaviors are choosier. Behavioral Ecology, 35(1): arad101.

Höbel G. 2024. Individual variation in signal timing preferences and its implications for sexual selection on male displays. Behaviour, in press.

Stratman K. & G. Höbel. 2024. Within-population variation in preference functions reveals substantial among-female disagreement in mate assessment. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 37: 1278-1287.

Cover image by G. Höbel.

Warner, H & G Höbel. 2024. Walk or swim: The substrate for movement affects female treefrog mate choice behaviors but has little effect on their preferences. Ethology, in press.


Cannizzaro IV, J.S. & G. Höbel. 2023. Hidden black and yellow thigh color acts as an aposematic signal in the Eastern Gray Treefrog (Hyla versicolor). Ethology, 129(12): 679-685.

Cover image by G. Höbel.

Desjonquères C, Speck B, Seidita S, Cirino L, Escalante I, Sergi C, Maliszewski J, Wiese C, Hoebel G, Bailey NW & RL Rodríguez. 2023. Social plasticity enhances signal-preference co-divergence. American Naturalist, 202: 818-829.


Feagles, O. & G. Höbel. 2022. Female gray treefrogs maintain mate choice decisions under predation threat, but adjust movements to reduce conspicuousness during mate approach. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 76(1): 1-12.

Höbel G. & R.L. Rodríguez. 2022. Positive-to-negative behavioural responses suggest hedonic evaluation in treefrog mate choice. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 289: 20211822.

Cover image by G. Höbel.


Höbel G., R. Kolodziej, D. Nelson & C. White. 2021. Effect of body size, age and timing of breeding on clutch and eggs size of female Eastern Gray Treefrogs, Hyla versicolor. Amphibia-Reptilia, (2021): 1-11.

Soley F.G., Rodríguez R.L., Höbel G. & W.G. Eberhard. 2021. Insightful behavior in arthropods? Behaviour, 158: 781-793.

Stratman K. & G. Höbel. 2021. Woe is the loner: Female treefrogs prefer clusters of displaying males over single “hotshot” males. Evolution, 75(12): 3026-3036.


Neelon D.P. & G. Höbel. Staying ahead of the game –plasticity in chorusing behavior allows males to remain attractive in different social environments. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 73(9): 124.

Neelon D.P., Rodríguez, R.L. & G. Höbel. On The Architecture of Mate Choice Decisions: Preference Functions and Choosiness are Distinct Traits. Proc R Soc Lond B, 286(1897): 20182830.

Stratman K. & G. Höbel Opportunity for female choice in the wild is frequently curtailed by low male trait variation in Hyla versicolor. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 73(5): 59.


Reichert M.S. & G. Höbel. 2018. Phenotypic integration and the evolution of signal repertoires: a case study of treefrog acoustic communication. Ecology & Evolution, 8: 3061-3570.

Underhill V.A. & G. Höbel. 2018. Mate choice behavior of female Eastern gray treefrogs (Hyla versicolor) is robust to anthropogenic light pollution. Ethology, 24: 537-548.

Underhill V.A. & G. Höbel. 2018. Moonlighting? – Consequences of Lunar Cues on Anuran Reproductive Activity. Acta Oecologica, 87: 20-28.


Höbel G. 2017. Social facilitation is a better predictor of frog reproductive activity than environmental factors. Biotropica, 49(3): 372-381.

Kilmer J.T., K.D. Fowler‐Finn, D.A. Gray, G. Höbel, D. Rebar, M.S. Reichert & R.L. Rodríguez. 2017. Describing mate preference functions and other function‐valued traits. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30: 1658–1673.

Neelon D.P. & G. Höbel. 2017. Social plasticity in choosiness in green tree frogs, Hyla cinerea. Behavioral Ecology, 28(6): 1540-1546.

Reichert M.S. & G. Höbel. 2017. Frequency-channel dependent selectivity for temporal call characteristics in gray treefrogs, Hyla versicolor. Journal of Experimental Biology, 220(7): 1256-1266.

Symes L., G. Höbel & R.L. Rodríguez. 2017. Beyond temperature-coupling: Effects of temperature on ectotherm signaling and mate choice and the implications for communication in multi-species assemblages. Ecology & Evolution, 7(15): 5992-6002.

Underhill V.A. & G. Höbel. 2017. Variation in nocturnal light levels does not alter mate choice behavior in female eastern gray treefrogs (Hyla versicolor). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 71(10): 151.


Höbel G. 2016. Female discrimination thresholds frequently exceed local male display variation: implications for mate choice dynamics and sexual selection. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29(3): 572–582.

Höbel G. & A. Christie. 2016. Do Green Treefrogs use social information to orient 0utside the breeding season? Zoological Studies, 2015, 55: 17.

Höbel G. & S. Fellows. 2016. Vocal Repertoire and Calling Activity of a Dwarf Clawed Frog (Hymenochirus boettgeri) Herpetological Review, 2016, 47(4): 543-549.

Reichert M.S., L.B. Symes & G. Höbel. 2016. Lighting up sound preferences: cross-modal influences on the precedence effect in treefrogs. Animal Behaviour, 119: 151-159.


Höbel G. 2015. Sexual differences in responses to cross- species call interference in the green treefrog (Hyla cinerea). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 69: 695-705.

Höbel, G. 2015. Socially-mediated plasticity of chorusing behavior in the gladiator frog Hypsiboas rosenbergi. Acta Ethologica, 18: 145-152.

Reichert M.S. & G. Höbel. 2015. Modality interactions alter the shape of acoustic mate preference functions in gray treefrogs. Evolution, 69(9): 2384–2398.

Rodríguez R.L., M. Araya-Salas, D.A. Gray, M.S. Reichert, L.B. Symes, M.R. Wilkins, R.J. Safran & G. Höbel. 2015. How acoustic signals scale with individual body size: common trends across diverse taxa. Behavioral Ecology, 26(1): 168–177.

Rodríguez, R.L., R.D. Briceño, E. Briceño–Aguilar & G. Höbel. 2015. Nephila clavipes spiders (Araneae: Nephilidae) keep track of captured prey counts: testing for a sense of numerosity in an orb-weaver. Animal Cognition 18, 307–314.


Beaudry, P. & G. Höbel 2014. Hyla cinerea (Green Treefrog). Dorsal Spots. Herpetological Review 45(1): 111-112.

Höbel, G. 2014. Effect of temporal and spectral noise features on gap detection behavior by calling green treefrogs. Behavioral Processes 108:43-49.

Höbel G., D.S. Kim, & D.P. Neelon. 2014. Do green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) eavesdrop on prey calls? Journal of Herpetology 48(3):389-393.

Höbel G., & T. Barta. 2014: Adaptive Plasticity in calling site selection in gray treefrogs (Hyla versicolor). Behaviour 151:741-754.

Reichert, M., Galante, H. & G. Höbel. 2014. Female grey treefrogs, Hyla versicolor, are responsive to visual stimuli but unselective of stimulus characteristics. Journal of Experimental Biology 217:3254-3262.

Thomas, J.J. & G. Höbel, 2014. Hyla versicolor (Eastern Gray Treefrog). Lacrimal Spot. Herpetological Review 45(1): 112.


Höbel, G. & R.C. Kolodziej. 2013. Wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) use water surface waves in their reproductive behaviour. Behaviour 150:471-483.

Rodríguez RL, Boughman JW, Gray DA, Hebets EA, Höbel G & Symes LB. 2013. Diversification under sexual selection: the relative roles of mate preference strength and the degree of divergence in mate preferences. Ecology Letters 16, 964–974.

Rodríguez RL, Kolodziej RC & Höbel G. 2013. Memory of prey larders in golden orb-web spiders, Nephila clavipes (Araneae: Nephilidae). Behaviour 150, 1345-1356.


Rebar, D., G. Höbel & R.L. Rodríguez. 2012. Vibrational playback by means of airborne stimuli. Journal of Experimental Biology 215:3513-3518.

Vélez, A., G. Höbel, N. M. Gordon & M. A. Bee. 2012. Dip listening or modulation masking? Call recognition by green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) in temporally fluctuating noise. Journal of Comparative Physiology 198: 891-904.


Höbel, G. 2011. Hyla cinerea. Green Tree Frog. Cannibalism and Defensive Posture. Herpetological Review 42(1):85-86.

Höbel, G. 2011. Variation in Signal Timing Behavior: Implication for Male Attractiveness and Sexual Selection. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65:1283-1294.


Höbel, G. 2010. Interaction between signal position and signal feature preferences: causes and implications for sexual selection. Animal Behaviourv 79: 1257-1266.

Höbel, G. & A. Slocum. 2010. Hyla cinerea. Green Tree Frog. Abnormal Vocal Sac. Herpetological Review 41(3): 335-336.


Höbel, G. 2008. Plasticity and Geographic Variation in the Reproductive Ecology of Gladiator Frogs, particularly Hypsiboas rosenbergi. In: Natural and Cultural History of the Golfo Dulce Region, Costa Rica. Pp 329-334. Biologiezentrum der O Ö Landesmuseen, Austria.

Höbel, G. 2008. The Amphibians and Reptiles of the Golfo Dulce Region. In: Natural and Cultural History if the Golfo Dulce Region, Costa Rica. Pp. 305-328. Biologiezentrum der O Ö Landesmuseen, Austria.


Höbel, G. & H.C. Gerhardt. 2007. Sources of Selection on Signal Timing in a Tree Frog. Ethology 113: 973-982.

Höbel, G. & J. Schul. 2007. Listening for males and bats: spectral processing in the hearing organ of Neoconocephalus bivocatus (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Journal of Comparative Physiology A 193: 917-925.

Pröhl, H., S. Hagemann, J. Karsch & G. Höbel. 2007. Geographic variation in male sexual signals in Strawberry poison frogs (Dendrobates pumilio). Ethology 113: 825-837.


Robillard, T., G. Höbel & H. C. Gerhardt 2006. Evolution of advertisement signals in North American hylid frogs: Vocalizations as end-products of calling behavior. Cladistics 22: 533-545.


Gerhardt, H. C. & G. Höbel. 2005. Mid-frequency suppression in the green treefrog (Hyla cinerea): implications for the evolution of acoustic communication. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 191: 707-714.

Höbel, G. 2005. On the Acoustic Communication System of Eleutherodactylus fitzingeri (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Herpetological Review 36(3): 242-244.

Höbel, G. 2005. Rana clamitans (Green Frog) and Rana catesbeiana (American Bullfrog). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 36(4): 439-440.

Höbel, G. 2005. Rana palustris and Ambystoma maculatum. Reproductive behavior. Herpetological Review 36(1): 55-56.


Höbel, G. & Gerhardt, H. C. 2003. Reproductive character displacement in the communication system of green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea). Evolution 57: 894-904.


Höbel, G. 2000. Reproductive Ecology of Hyla rosenbergi in Costa Rica. Herpetologica 56(4): 446-454.


Höbel, G. 1999. Facultative nest construction in the gladiator frog Hyla rosenbergi (Anura: Hylidae). Copeia 1999(3): 796-800.

Höbel, G. 1999. Notes on the natural history and habitat use of Eleutherodactylus fitzingeri (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Amphibia-Reptilia 20: 65-72.

Publications in Journals for the General Public (German / English)


Höbel, G. 2007: Treasure Islands – looking for Poison Arrow Frogs at Bocas del Toro Archipelago, Panama. Reptiles Magazine, 2007(3):80-87.


Höbel, G. 2006: Der Gladiatorfrosch. DATZ, 59(2): 54-56.

Höbel, G. 2006: The Amphibians of Germany. Reptiles Magazine, 2006(12):44-53.


Höbel, G. 2005: Der Orangekehl Springbarsch – ein empfehlenswerter Kaltwasserfisch aus Nordamerika. Aquaristik Aktuell, 2005(2):61-64.

Höbel, G. 2005: Keeping Dwarf Clawed Frogs. Tropical Fish Hobbyist, 2005(9):96-100.

Höbel, G. 2005: Prächtiger Nordamerikaner – Der Grossohr Sonnenbarsch. DATZ, 58(7):60-63.


Höbel, G. 2004: Fortpflanzungsstrategien Costaricanischer Anuren I. DATZ, 57(7):38-42.

Höbel, G. 2004: Fortpflanzungsstrategien Costaricanischer Anuren II. DATZ, 57(8):24-28.


Höbel, G. 2003: Glasfr ösche – zarte Juwelen des Regenwalds. DATZ, 56(7):6-9.


Höbel, G. 2002: Zwergkrallenfr ösche im Aquarium. DATZ, 55(5): 58-59.


Höbel, G. 1999: Die Zwergbaumsteiger des Bocas-del-Toro-Archipels. DATZ, 52(1): 42-46.

Lab News

Department of Biological Sciences Lapham Hall, 3209 N. Maryland Avenue, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA